A & A v The Gangrels

On Thursday 19 January these two long-established clubs resumed their friendly rivalry with their annual inter-club game. Gangrels 1 skipped by Jim Dunlop ably assisted by Jimmy Begg and Bob Cherry took on the A & A rink skipped by Alex Thomson and comprising Ed Baines, Alan Richmond and Douglas Haddow. The game was level after 3 ends at 3 shots each but gains by the Gangrels in the next 2 ends brought a lead of 4 shots. Although Alex managed to halve that deficit in the 6th end the final end went in the Gangrels' favour with 3 shots resulting in victory by 10-5.
In the second game Gangrels 2 were skipped by their secretary Peter Galloway with team members Ronnie Peat, Ernest Mutter and Peter Kennedy (who at least wore his Gangrels jersey rather than his A & A one!). The A & A rink consisted Alan Mitchell (skip), Alan McKinlay, Paul Williams and Ken Ireland. A & A took the first end with one shot but Gangrels countered at the 2nd end with 2 shots. The turning point however came in the 3rd end won by A & A with 4 shots and whilst the Gangrels got one back in the 4th end A & A scored single shot gains at each of the remaining ends to emerge the winners by 8-3.
Winning margins therefore in each game of 5 shots resulting in a tied match. In the spirit of friendship the potential penalty of 2 or 3 shots for Gangrels 1 rink being a member short was waived. A & A always generous to a fault! The evening was rounded off with most of the players enjoying a meal together and both clubs looking forward to renewing friendships in this fixture next year.