2018-19 League Table Report

Carol wins!
Well what a finish! The league title went down to the last stone,
after a very close season. Long-time leader, Alex, faced a tough match
against Geoff. And so it proved, with a see-saw battle, as Alex went 2
up, only to be pegged back by Geoff taking a three in the 5th end, as
they headed to the last end all square. Geoff was able to hide a stone,
which Alex failed to remove, giving Geoff the win and Alex just missing
out on glory this season.
Meanwhile Carol had her own challenge against Willie. Another close game, with nothing in it until Carol edged ahead at the 6th
end, and with two of Carol's stones counting, Wiliie tried a tricky
wick to no avail, giving Carol a three-shot victory. Nonetheless, a
great first season for Willie as skip.
Charlie had difficulty shaking off the challenge of Alistair. It was a
really good game, culminating in a fantastic last end. The lead's stones
were near perfect draws, and when it came to the skips, Alistair was
lying one. He could have settled for a peeled game, but with his last
stone he played an aggressive draw right to the button, to lie two and
the game. Charlie calmly followed him in to take a shot and win by two.
Your regular correspondent, Alan, could not stand the pressure, and took
himself off to India, leaving his third Alan R to tackle Bella.
Unfortunately for Alan, Bella has regained her normal good form, after a
slow start to the season, and won comfortably by 9-4.
Ed has struggled this season, but still had a chance of avoiding the
wooden spoon. Up against middle-of-the-league David, Ed managed to win
one end, but with David only scoring singles, the margin was on 5-1,
thereby ensuring Ed's shot difference was better than Alistair's, and
saving Ed from bottom position.
Congratulations to Carol and her rink of Maureen McVey, Peter Reynolds and Bill Black.
Second was Alex Thomson, Jim Nelson, Liz Tait and Dorothy Dawson
Third was Alan McKinlay, Alan Richmond, Sheila Campbell and Jane Cherry
Fourth was Charlie Steele, John MacLeod, Alan McHarg and Alicia Smith