Letter from ACC President Robert Boyd

2 June 2020
Dear Member,
First of all a big thanks to all who have donated to the painting fund and all who have volunteered to help.
This week we have taken down all the advertising boards quite a few will not be going back up, so we have space for new advertisers, if you know anyone who would benefit please let them know we have spaces available.
We have also taken down some old electric fittings and generally tidied up the old stuff
I attach some photos, you will see that over the years the walls have been ORANGE, PINK and MAGNOLIA.
When we do it this time we will make the red H beams the same as the walls and that will make it much bigger looking. New colour will be off white/ light grey.
The new dehumidifier will be up and running this week and after it has run for 1 or 2 weeks it will dry out the walls and everything else and then we can start painting.
The walls and the H beams need a lot of preparation work.
I include a picture of the murals that used to be on the wall and 2 people you may recognise.
We have 4 months till we start curling so lots of time for for all the rules and regulations to be sorted to keep everyone safe and able to enjoy the game and all the social things.
I hope you are all well and getting out and about a little more.