Liz and Charlie take Pairs title

The Pairs Competition took place on 8 March 2023 with a full complement of 16 players. The usual format was adopted, straight knockout, with four stones being thrown by each player, and a game consisting of three ends.
The semi finals were Alan McKinlay and Allan Chapman against David Gray and John McLeod. A close game, peels with one end to go, with David lying two shots but Alan Mck with last stone. Alan had to a chance to remove both stones. He touched them both, but was not quite hard enough to remove them.
The other semi final was Alan Richmond and Paul Williams agaist Charlie Steele and Liz Tait. Liz was in blistering form, at the first end putting all her four stones in the house, and although Alan played a stone in, Charlie removed it and collected four shots. At the next end Liz was at it again, three stones in a line in the house and one guarding - perfect! Alan quickly lost heart and a handshake after two ends with the score 5-0 resulted.
The final was a close affair with Charlie and Liz taking a single at the first two ends, and in the third, with Liz's stones in the house again, David was unable to see the shot stone, and his last draw just slid by. Great curling by the winners and good to see Liz in near-perfect form!
Thanks to Allan Chapman for organising the event and standing in at short notice to play.