Match against Ayr Country Curling Club

On Monday afternoon 25th October we had our annual fixture with Ayr Country Club. In absence of our injured President Alan, Ed Baines skipped a team of Liz Tait, Dorothy Dawson and Alicia Smith and David Gray skipped Paul Williams, June Richmond and Alan McHarg.
Unfortunately our opponents were struggling for numbers and were only able to field two teams of three. Despite this we had two very competitive and very close games. Ed's harem made a good start to the game after conceding 2 at the first end, to lead 6 to 2 after 5 ends. However CC stormed back to take a 3 at ends 6 and 7 to win 2 up.
The other game was hard fought also with some excellent shots being played by both teams. It was nip and tuck and after 5 ends David and Co were 4 - 3 down but managed to scrape wins at last 2 ends to win 6 - 4. In the interest of sportsmanship it was decided that we would not invoke penalties on Country Club for being short staffed and therefore the overall result was a tie.
Post match we all thoroughly enjoyed tea/coffee and cakes and excellent banter.
Report by David Gray