President Hazel welcomes members


Perhaps the most unusual circumstances ever seen for our first game of the season, saw a variety of face coverings on display. President Hazel Steele welcomed all the members and thanked them for playing this year, even with the extra precautions needed for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hazel explained the ice rink had done everything in its power to make the environment safe, and urged members to be competitive but moreover to enjpy their curling. The new caterers are producing excellent meals, and members were encouraged to support them by staying for a meal after the game.

David Gray was invited to present recently retired secretary Alan McKinlay with a beautiful pair of curling stones, as as token of the work he did in his term as secretary. Donald Macrae had kindly donated the stones, a very generous gesture. Alan delivered the ceremonial opening stone of the season with his usual aplomb.